



1st Assignment

For this assignment the class was asked to post a brief critical analysis of two photographs on our blogs. We were allowed to pick our subject matter but we were told that we had to pick and write on one photo that we felt was well structured and another that was poorly structured. I have chosen two photographs of a bird feeding in my backyard.

Photograph A: This entire image is unbalanced. The subject matter is too dark and the composition is wonky and cluttered. The bird itself is too small in the frame to draw any real attention to it and it has been captured at a rather uninteresting moment. 

In my mind this first photograph is inferior to the second one.

Photograph B: Although the lighting is a litte bit too bright in this second photo it is better balanced. The composition is also tighter and a result the eye is properly drawn to the bird and the movement of the head and the snow make this a far more visually stimulating photograph.
